Monday, March 4, 2013

DIY Face Wash

**Repost from 7/5/12 on my previous blog**

So there's a number of things I've been DIYing over the last few months, preparing for potential posts on here. Some worked and some didn't. But I wanted to be sure I'd tried them first so that I could give you honest feedback. I must say, out of all the things I've tried, this was my favorite by far! DIY Face Wash!

I've been back and forth between your standard, run-of-the-mill store brand face wash, and the high-end representative-ordered facecare line and all the in-between. I've never been as happy with any of them as I am right now. It's simple. It's relatively inexpensive. And my face has never looked or felt better. What do I use? OIL. Now PLEASE hear me out. I'd hate to lose you at the word "oil"! There has been tons of research done on the subject and more and more people are switching to what is commonly referred to as the "Oil Cleansing Method", with amazing results! Go on, Google it. Find out for yourself!

Basically, it boils down to this:

Dry Skin:            10% Castor Oil, 90% Jojoba Oil
Balanced Skin:    20% Castor Oil, 80% Jojoba Oil
Oily Skin:            30% Castor Oil, 70% Jojoba Oil

You can always change out the Jojoba Oil for EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil), Grapeseed Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Sunflower Oil or others. I prefer to use Jojoba because it is lightly moisturizing without being overly thick. But before you put money into this, I'd advise you to research the properties of the different oils and figure out which one does what you're looking for.  I have balanced skin for most of the year, so I use an 80/20 ratio. I also bought both of my oils at a health food store so that they would be organic, but you could easily buy them at many local grocers as well. To make this easy on myself I did the following:

1. Rinsed out my empty pump bottle of face wash I had just finished using.

2. Emptied the contents of the Jojoba Oil bottle (the little one) into the pump bottle. In this case, the only Jojoba they had was a smaller bottle, so I used it's entirety to make up the 80%.

3. Eye-balled what I believed to be 20% of additional Castor Oil.

Now that I had my face wash, I decided to make it fit into MY schedule rather than adding any extra steps, just to be sure I was going to like it without much work. Remember: Simple is the key! So, when I got in the shower, I applied 1 pump worth (about a nickel size amount) of oil on my hands and began rubbing it in gently. After about one minute, I grabbed a clean wash cloth, wet it with fairly hot water, laid it on my face with my head tilted back just a bit, and allowed my self a minute or two to relax under the shower spray while the rag cooled. This "steaming" allows your pores to open up and the oil to really cleanse your face. Once it cooled to about room temp, I used the rag to gently wipe off any excess oil. **NOTE: Do not scrub the oil off your face. Your skin is supposed to feel slightly oily to the touch, but it will soak in within minutes. If you scrub it all off, you will need to use moisturizer afterwards, which the oil could easily do for you if you'd just gently wipe it off instead.

Then I finished showering, got out, and got ready for the day. Easy as pie! That was nearly 2 months ago and I wouldn't go back! I have found that if I wash my face at the sink at night (which I do if I've worn make-up that day) I may or may not need a tiny amount of moisturizer in the morning, but if I do, it's WAY less than I ever used before.


*Less expensive than store bought organic face wash. I was paying about $18 per bottle that would last me about 6 weeks. Now I'm paying about $40 (after finding a larger Jojoba Oil bottle) and while the full pump bottle still lasts me only 6 weeks, I have leftover oil for up to another 3 batches!

*My skin is clearer, softer and more balanced than with any other product I've used.

*One product does the job of many. No more wash+toner+lotion. Just wash. Maybe the occasional lotion, but rarely.

*Before, I was also paying about $16 for a tub of organic face lotion that would last me about 8 weeks. I started the OCM about half way through one of my lotion tubs. I'm STILL using it. It has about 1/4 left and it's been almost 2 months for me to use the 1/4th that I have!

I really have NO complaints. I would highly recommend this to all of you! Give it a try--at least 2 weeks of daily use and see your results! I'd love to hear how it works for you!

DIY Face Wash--a simple way to keep you looking beautiful.


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