Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Everything Changes

I AM SO EXCITED!!! After WEEKS of remaining silent, and let's be honest, we all know how hard that is for ME, I can finally share some of the crazy that's been happening around here!

As I've mentioned before, we decided a while back to change how we live life. We want to be more intentional with our time, with our resources, with all that we have at our disposal. We are minimizing the amount of "stuff" we have in our home, to free up more time and energy for things that we love, things that matter. We are focusing intentional time on our health...choosing to be more aware of the things that go in and on our bodies, whether that's food, household products, you name it. We are choosing not to buy THINGS as gifts, but attempting to participate in more EXPERIENCES...things that will leave memories for a lifetime. We simply want to do the very best with what we have been given.

In contemplating and praying over these areas of our lives, a big hurdle is time. Obviously everyone has the same amount of time available, so it boils down to how you choose to spend it. For most people, a big chunk of their time is spent at their job. When we moved down here, we did so because Sean agreed to take a position overseeing operations for an entire plant. That position, in and of itself, required a LOT of time...both in and out of the office. So when we considered changes that we could make, one area was his line of work.

It's difficult to make career changes when you've been with the same company for a number of years. You know the people, the process, the expectations, the environment...most of which you grow attached to over time. You find a routine. So when considering change, all that is up in the air. It's not just moving to a different company or a different career. It's changing location, co-workers, environment and everything familiar. It may be for the best, but it is far from simple.

Based on the direction of our family priorities, Sean will be changing careers at the end of the month! He has accepted a position at USAA, which if you know anything about USAA you know how difficult it is to get in, so we are SO PROUD and SO EXCITED for him!! This is a HUGE blessing that will allow him more time off, more flexibility (he can work from home if he wants to!!), and an amazing work environment where the entire focus of the company is "We know what it means to serve". Can you say RIGHT IN LINE with our changes in priority?!

And because we have a rare opportunity here between his last day at his current position and his start date at his new position, we decided we are taking an adventure!! We will be taking a family road trip for a few weeks that will cover thousands of miles and some amazing sites! I will be blogging while we are gone, sharing about our trip at different stops and we invite you to tag along! Just counting down the days to the first of a number of changes for our family!!

Adventure awaits!


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