Friday, February 22, 2013

Oh The Waiting...

It's that time again. The wait before "the list" comes out. Basically, there are always children waiting to be adopted, but once a month there are new faces added--children who have just become adoptable. We've given our caseworker the info for the child we are waiting for, age preference, that she be a girl, what special needs we feel we can adequately handle, etc. So she's gone through the list periodically looking for a child for us. But basically, we are waiting each month for the new faces to be added so she can look through those and send us a referral.

As many of you know, we are waiting for a specific little girl's name to be added to that list and praying that our caseworker can find her. :)  The details of how we came across her are nothing short of miraculous and I will share those one day, if God chooses to bring her to our home forever. In the meantime, we've decided that we will fight for her specifically until God closes that door! That tends to make our waiting every month just a little more crazy!

So the list will come out this next Monday night (our time)/Tuesday morning (China time). If you think of it, we would greatly appreciate your prayers during that time! It usually comes out around 8pm our time and we will either have a referral (or not) by as late as 1am.  Last month when this happened we were crazy busy emailing and calling back and forth between our caseworker and others to determine if this little one would be on the list. And while I am at complete peace in the turnout of the whole adoption and whomever God has chosen for our family, the day of the list coming out (at least last month) I am a complete ball of anxious, clock-watching, can't-focus-on-anything, might as well go to bed worthlessness. LOL.

And once again, I completely in awe of how this little girl, who I have yet to meet, has utterly and completely stolen my heart...


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