Monday, September 14, 2015

Selling, Racing & Praying

It has been totally crazy the last two weeks around here. We started building our team for the Chosen Race, starting taking in donations for our garage sale fundraiser, started school, and maintained our massive amounts of praying to bring our girl home! Here's where we stand:

Our race team is growing by leaps and bounds! We had originally set a goal of getting 50 people to join our team. We are currently at 54!! So what do we do? We raise the goal to 75! The beauty of more runners is two fold. First, we receive 100% of the registration fees toward our adoption! So right now, we've already raised $2795 just by people choosing to join us!! We've also had $200 donated, so our total right now is $2995!! Second, the more people that choose to join us, the less we need each person to raise in donations to hit our goal of $15,000! If we had 50 people running, we needed to average $300 in donations raised per runner. If we hit our current goal of 75 people, then that average drops to $200! That means each person only needs to find 10 people willing to donate $20. I know you could've done that math, but just putting it down in writing gets me excited as to how easy it should be to hit our goal!!! If you want to join our team to help us meet our goal of 75 runners, just click here, register to run, and choose "Miles for MeiMei" as your team! You can choose the Full Marathon, the Half Marathon, the 5K, Virtual Runner (run where you are!), or Sleepwalker (don't run, just sign up!). Your kids can even join you by running in the Kids Fun Run! If you aren't able to join our team but still want to donate $5, $10, $20 or even more, just click here, then click on the "Pledge" button! SUPER easy!

We are also preparing for a HUGE garage sale fundraiser! Our neighborhood is having a fall garage sale, and we plan to take advantage of all the traffic! If you're not able to run the race or donate monetarily, you can donate any unwanted items to our sale! We will happily swing by to pick it up. Our sale isn't until October 3rd and our garage is already filling up! We will turn your unwanted items into cash for our kids plane tickets to join us in getting their sister home from China! We will have huge signs up in the yard letting everyone know it's a fundraiser sale for our adoption, so we expect this place to be pretty busy all day long! Anything that doesn't sell we will donate to our local Thrift Store at the end of the day. Feel free to contact me through a comment on this blog post, through Facebook, or through a mutual friend if we're not "friends" on Facebook!

Finally, we are praying HUGE prayers over here!! First, we are still waiting on our official transfer to the new agency. This normally takes about a month and this week we are starting week 4 of waiting. This is beginning to drive me nuts. Please pray that the transfer would come quickly so I can move on to waiting impatiently for the next phase. LOL. Second, if we are to travel in January (which is our hope as December is much more expensive), we need to be matched with our daughter's file no later than October. Our new agency is hopeful that her file will come through soon as there has been lots of "activity" going on regarding their orphanage partnerships in China. Please join us in praying that her file comes ASAP, but most definitely before the end of October. Also, prayers of peace and patience for me are always greatly appreciated. It is really hard to stay focused on the here and now when we are getting sooooo close! I KNOW God is in control. But prayers of patience would be awesome.  :)

Friends (and family) I cannot begin to tell you how blessed we have been during this whole process. We were showered with blessings while we lived in Tulsa, back when we began this journey, and we continue to be blessed even after moving away from everyone we knew. God has brought exactly the right people into our lives in so many areas since moving...I cannot wait to tell the longer version of our daughter's story some day. It is completely humbling how He is orchestrating her story so beautifully. Our prayer has always been that if someone had any doubt that God was real and that He cares about every detail of their lives, that her story would leave no room for it any longer. He is answering that prayer in amazing ways. We are truly blessed, not only to be her parents, but to be part of her miracle story. Thank you for joining us on this journey and for loving us through it all. We love each of you dearly.


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