While on the highway, we took full advantage of some of the "pull off" areas that allow you to park and then explore. It appears all 5 of our kids LOVE climbing rocks and hiking...although Kalea does get a bit antsy if certain parts appear a bit difficult. We've also come to learn that Avalynn's fearlessness extends to her hiking...meaning she will take off without you and without a care in the world for her own limits or safety! Needless to say, she keeps us on our toes! We agree it's only a matter of time until she has a broken bone from her adventures. YIKES!!
After leaving the more scenic portion of the highway, we ventured to Custer State Park Wildlife Loop, where, SUPPOSEDLY, animals such as deer, goats and bison roam freely and abundantly...
We saw all of 3 donkeys and 1 deer. LOL. Pretty anticlimactic for as long as the drive takes to get back to civilization! I'm sure it was just a matter of timing as we DID see a herd of buffalo off in the far far distance. Due to the lack of animal sightings, the drive managed to put ALL FIVE kids to sleep! I can't remember the last time that happened!! So Sean and I enjoyed the quiet and time to converse while we made our way back.
We stopped at Keystone for a quick "lupper" as we call it--late afternoon meal between lunch and supper. Right next door was a place we wanted to stop--Tramway Adventure Park. The girls and I purchased tickets for 5 trips each on the Alpine Slide (the only thing they could both do) while the boys and Sean all opted for a Treetop Obstacle/Zipline Course!
Avalynn was upset that she was required to ride the slide with me and wasn't allowed to "go fast" (their rules, not mine). She was also crushed when she later found out she didn't weigh enough to go ziplining. Yep. My 5 year old fearless wonder wanted to zipline!!! And I have no doubt she would've. It broke my heart that she couldn't go. The minimum weight was 50 lbs and she weighs only 45. BOO.
Heading up the chair lift!
Mommy & Ave about to slide down!
My big girl heading off on her own on the "advanced" portion of the slides!
Kalea surprisingly decided she wanted to zipline and I told her if she would go, I would go with her. This trip is finding us ALL stepping out of our comfort zones, so why not?? Well, we got our harnesses and got all the way to the top...only to have her panic and choose to walk back down. She kept apologizing, but I assured her I was proud of her just for TRYING to go...and that one day she would be ready. She's getting SO big!
Our last stop of the day was at Horsethief Lake. The guys were all sweaty from the adventure course and wanted to cool off. So I sat on the shore enjoying the 76 DEGREE weather, as the rest of my family crazily chose to get in the water and even do some cliff diving! We didn't stay long but we all agreed we'd go hiking tomorrow and head back to the same lake for some mid-day swimming when it won't be so chilly!
My crazies in the water!!
So tomorrow, it's hiking, swimming and cliff diving (for some of us).
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