We had a long drive home (about 12.5 hours to be exact) but the kids did great, the dog did great and we made it safely with everyone still happy!! I'd call that a WIN! Also, we managed to come home under the radar so that our oldest could surprise his favorite girl with his early arrival. LOL.And you KNOW how important that is!!
Today we spent the day unpacking, cleaning and generally settling back in to "normal" life as we know it. As I had a few moments to myself, getting my stuff taken care of, something struck me.
It was nice to be back in our own home and not living out of our suitcases, BUT...there wasn't a single thing we left behind that I truly missed.
The things (read: PEOPLE) that mean the most to me, they were with me. All the rest of it is just extra. It's JUST stuff.
I wish I could put into words for you the changes that Sean and I have gone through over the last few months. It really has been a paradigm shift. Our thought life has totally changed. Our focus has totally changed. Our goals, our dreams, our purpose...have all totally changed.
There was a time when we had next to nothing. We lived paycheck to paycheck, lived off credit cards while we "sold the dream"...hoping and praying that one day it would all pay off. We knew, we just KNEW that if we could just make a little more money, we'd be set...we'd be happy. We'd have ENOUGH.
Looking back, I realize that all the money in the world truly does NOT buy happiness. Happiness, Joy, Contentment...they all come from within...from your mindset...from the realization of what is TRULY important in life.
I am so excited about where we go from here. I am so thankful to all of you who have journeyed this far with us...and I hope that you will continue to do so. I pray that we are able to encourage you, share with you, and enable you---even in the smallest of ways--to recognize the "stuff" in your lives, whatever that may be, that just truly doesn't matter.
Spend time on what DOES matter. Spend time with PEOPLE that matter. Spend time doing what you LOVE. Even if you only have an hour today...start there. Then give it two hours. Then three. Start purging the excess. Strip your life of all that is "extra". I promise you won't regret it.
After all...it's just stuff.
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