Grandma's house...nearly every year of my life for the last 40 years, I've spent time here.
The fountain in the town square
The building with our family name (Mater) at the top.
My grandpa's workshop in their basement...almost exactly as he left it 37 years absolute favorite place in the whole house. I loved him so.
A painting my great great Aunt made in 1911
I also had the chance to visit one of 3 places I consider my "hometown". I grew up in 3 different towns within a 20 mile radius of each other, so a piece of my childhood remains in each. This trip, I took time to go back to where my daddy had lived, and decided to get some pictures to help solidify my memories of this place as well. So many many years ago...
Main Street U.S.A. in Peabody, KS. I love this little town!
Just the BEST little diner in all of Kansas...and just so happens to be owned & operated by my cousin, Tim!
The last house my daddy lived in. He affectionately painted it in Red, White, Blue & Brown, in his words, "the Red, White & Blue for the USA and the Brown to represent his opinion of the government." LOL. Oh how I miss you Daddy!!
The first house we lived in when we moved to Peabody when I was just 5 years old.
It's hard to see but just past that tree line, in the middle of the picture, is what's left of the house my daddy built. He lost it after my parents' divorce and the new owner let it fall into disrepair. Oh what I'd give to return it to its original glory for a new family to enjoy. My absolute BEST childhood memories were made in that house and on that 20 acres!
What used to be my great grandmother's house where my daddy spent many of his own childhood days, also in Peabody, KS.
The city pool in Peabody where I spent most of my summer days growing up.
The Coneburg Inn...just the neatest little restaurant/bar where daddy would take us to play pool.
Much of my childhood was wrought with struggle and sadness...a life as a child of divorce. And yet...when my heart comes home to these places, the only things I remember are the laughter, the happiness, the fond memories of a child well-loved, cherished...a childhood that makes me miss "the good ole days" yet look forward to all of the memories I'm creating now, as an adult, with my own kids.
Another age-order pic with more cousins!

And of course, Jake wanted to get a planking pic in for his dad!

It's...interesting...looking back, down memory lane. So many things I miss, PEOPLE that I miss. So many things I wish I would've paid more attention to, spent more time on. And yet, in all honesty, if given the chance, I don't think I'd change a single thing.
Don't get me wrong, I'd give anything....anything at all....for one more hour, one more day, with my daddy. But all in all, the older I get, the more I come to realize, God knows exactly what He's doing on this crazy ride called life. And His plans are always, ALWAYS better than mine...
And of course, Jake wanted to get a planking pic in for his dad!
It's...interesting...looking back, down memory lane. So many things I miss, PEOPLE that I miss. So many things I wish I would've paid more attention to, spent more time on. And yet, in all honesty, if given the chance, I don't think I'd change a single thing.
Don't get me wrong, I'd give anything....anything at all....for one more hour, one more day, with my daddy. But all in all, the older I get, the more I come to realize, God knows exactly what He's doing on this crazy ride called life. And His plans are always, ALWAYS better than mine...
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