Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Room to Breathe

No matter what type of life change you make, be it personal, financial, physical, spiritual...when it begins to happen, one side effect is automatically a deeper understanding of oneself. If you are truly open to change, and willing to do what it takes to make that happen, you are forced to be real, open, and honest with yourself. There is no other way.

So I find myself pulling a lot of "skeletons" out of my closet, per se. Because we are only just beginning this journey, it leads me to believe that I will only find more the further we go. For example, in finally making the decision to purge, I've come to the realization that I am somewhat of a closet hoarder. Meaning, I don't think if you just came over to visit that you'd think to yourself "That girl has issues. She hangs on to everything!" However, if you were to spend any length of time in our school/craft room (prior to that purge), in my closet, any of my out of the way might say just that!

This journey started for me sometime last year when I first heard about the documentary "The Minimalists" on Netflix. I really couldn't tell you now how I first heard about it or even why. But the idea behind it intrigued me, so I watched it. Aaaaaand then I made my family sit down and watch it. LOL. They weren't thrilled at first, but after watching it, the ideas began to flow for ALL of us! Later, I read the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo. It truly changed how I view the things I have and the value I place on them. Now, my goal is to only hold on to those things I actively use and those that bring me joy. Knowing that my focus is to keep only what I love, I find it easier to let go of those things I don't.

When going through my closet, for example, I recognized that I had 5-6 versions of the same shirt. They were just different colors. I was able to admit to myself that while I loved that shirt, I truly only wear 2 of the colors I have it in. Out go the rest! Also, I found I hang on to things I "might wear again someday." However, when I finally get to where I CAN wear them again, am I really going to? I mean, I've had them now for YEARS. House to house to house, I have kept them, packed them, moved them with me, allowing them to clutter up my closet every where I go! In fact, in an attempt to be completely transparent here (because I truly believe only when we are REAL with each other can we help each other grow) of the things I've held on to was a dress from our 1997 UNFORMAL IN COLLEGE!!! There. I said it. But allowing myself to admit that I didn't need it, use it or even love it, allowed me to get rid of it!

I have to say--not only was I hesitant to start purging (even though I really REALLY wanted to), I wasn't sure if it would truly make a difference in the end. Y'all, I can now say, just a few weeks in, I've realized two things.

1. I had NO IDEA how much stuff I had. For realz. It just did not occur to me how much I was hanging on to! I mean oodles and oodles and oodles of stuff that, even though it might've once been used or loved, was just no longer needed or relevant or even wanted anymore. I am getting rid of stuff left and right! Sean even told the kids the other day "Lookout, your mom's on a mission! I told her she could sell whatever she wanted, even the armoire, last night. Today, it's gone! Make sure you're doin as you're told or you might be next!" LOL (**of course he was totally joking, but you get the point).

2. I have ROOM TO BREATHE!!! I never realized how stifling and absolutely time and energy consuming stuff can be! I sold the armoire in our room--It feels like I added 100 sq ft more space! I cleaned out and purged our school/craft room and now I feel like I could host an event in there!! Now obviously I tend to exaggerate a little, but I swear--there is a physical difference in how I feel in both of those spaces. It is palpable. It is real. An actual weight has been lifted from my soul. I now have less stuff to clean, less stuff to take care of, and that means more time for the things I WANT to spend time on.

I know that it's easy to share on these things from behind a computer screen, to tell all of my stories and my excitement. You may be thinking "Yeah that's great for you, but that wouldn't work for me. I don't have the time/energy/ability/desire/etc". If I could encourage you to do ONE thing today, to take that next step, it would be to purge something, anything. Start with your closet. If that's too close to home, start with a hall closet, or even just one drawer. Marie Kondo suggests in her book that you physically pick up and hold each thing you are considering. Look at it, ask yourself what value it holds, if it is something that truly brings you joy. If it does not, get rid of it. It's that simple.

Start with one drawer. Start today. But just START. I promise you will be SO glad you did. And if you need a little bigger nudge? Watch that documentary or read that book. Or both. They are food for the soul.


**Disclaimer: I get no kickbacks from sales of the book mentioned, from Amazon, the author, or otherwise.


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