Wednesday, April 10, 2013

At The Core

I am NOT a morning person. I'm not. Never have been. I am a late night person. I don't care what time I have to get up, I cherish the quiet time at the end of the day, after 9pm when all the kids are sleeping. I will read, catch up on TV shows, craft, WHATEVER I FEEL LIKE! It is bliss. It's my "me time". And I love it. At the core of who I am, I am not a morning person.

However, this morning my newly-teen-aged son asked if I'd get up and fix him breakfast before testing at school. Normally, my boys are fully capable of getting up and getting their own breakfast, and I sleep in a bit and get up with sister around 7:30. But I also don't feel comfortable with them using the stove without an adult present, so the idea of letting them make their own eggs while I got a bit more sleep was enough to make me set the alarm earlier.

I was up at 6:30 so that my oldest would have time for breakfast as his bus leaves just after 7am. Can I tell you something?? I got SO much done!! I made his breakfast and chatted with him til he left, then had time for my morning cup of coffee and a protein shake before the other boys got up. I made their breakfasts as well, got myself dressed and waited for sister to wake up. Once she had breakfast she was ready to get dressed for school. The little boys asked if I could take them to school rather than having them ride the bus because they didn't wanna wait in the rain. AND I OBLIGED!! Now, don't get me wrong here. I don't mind taking the boys to school. And I know this may not be some major feat for you regular moms out there, but for those of us who truly struggle to drag ourselves out of bed every morning?? Yeah, me doing all this without hesitation is HUGE, people. And to top it all off--sister wasn't late for school!!! This, I believe, was my crowning glory of the morning as we are usually late for preschool. Honestly, I'm usually late for, well, everything. LOL. It's not something I'm proud of, but it is reality, so I try to at least own it.

Well now that I've truly bored you with my not-so-spectacular, normal-day-for-everyone-else story, I will say this. I think I'm onto something. LOL. At least for me! You may not be able to understand if you are already a morning person, but for those of us that are not, as I said before, this is truly a struggle. I still don't like the idea, but with as much as I've gotten done today, I'd say it's worth another shot...or two.  ;)


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