Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Whole Lotta Nothin...

So I haven't posted in almost a month. Mainly because we've been busy recuperating from the lovely flu and strep the last couple of weeks. We don't get sick often at all, but when we do, with 6 people in the house, we tend to pass it around freely!

The January "list" of newly adoptable children in China came out last month and while I like to play it calm and cool, in all honesty I was a basket case that day! We did not end up getting matched with a child, so we wait for the list to come out again this month. It's usually the 3rd or 4th week of the month. While the waiting is monotonous, there is enough to get done around here (finishing up the changing of the kids rooms, painting, finding or building new furniture, etc) that it keeps my mind off of the wait. I'm sure that won't be the case once we know her name, know her face, have a specific child we know is waiting just for us. So for now I'm thankful I have things to keep me occupied! And we've seen God work in SO many incredible, impossible ways this last month! Maybe someday I will be able to share them all but for now we must remain silent while we follow the process.

I do have a number of posts almost ready to come out of my head. LOL. For some reason, some of my best post ideas come to me as I'm laying down to sleep or trying to get back to sleep after the 249873569328th interruption! You'd think I'd keep a notepad by my bed to write these ideas down, but alas, I do not. I keep telling myself that it's such a good idea I just KNOW I'll remember it in the morning...and yet none of those posts have yet to see the light of day. What can I say? I'm a work in progress!

I also have a number of projects to finish that I'm excited to share on here, but again, I'm organizationally challenged...did y'all pick up on that?? This last week, in fact, I was explaining another great idea of mine to my husband and his response? "How about we just finish one of the OTHER projects you've started first?" Pshaw! As IF!! Where's the fun in that?! I told him then and I'll say it again here, he told my daddy over Christmas this year that being married to me is always an adventure! So see? "I'm just keepin ya honest, babe!"  :)

So anyway, all that to say, there's basically a whole lotta nothin going on 'round here. But I promise new posts next week! These ideas HAVE to get out of my head!!


Steve Finnell said...

you are invited to follow my blog

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