What you'll need:
- Tree skirt (I usually get mine from Hobby Lobby), it must be somewhat plain so it has room for multiple handprints.
- Fabric paint (I would recommend either silver or gold or even pearl, as these will shimmer well, although any color will do.) It MUST have a small tip on the bottle that enable you to write with the paint.
- Paper plate
- Paper towels
- Small paint brush (I just use one of my 1/2 inch wide artist brushes, but any child's paintbrush would work.)
1. You'll need to spread out the tree skirt in an area where it won't be bothered for about 24 hrs. This is probably the hardest part of the whole process because it may not be easy to find. I use my husband's poker table because it's not used except once a month and his poker room is out of the flow of our main traffic.
2. Pour about a quarter-size amount of paint on the paper plate. Take one child at a time (I suggest starting with the oldest and going down as you may need to take the youngest to the bathroom yourself to help him/her wash up) and paint the child's hand, being sure to get it thoroughly covered but not globbed up in any area.
3. Instruct child to make a "five" with his/her hand and to NOT MOVE. They need to let you place their hand on the skirt and to remain still while you press their palm and every finger down individually for good coverage. (This is easy to do the older they get but I even have great handprints from when my daughter was 9 months, so it IS doable.)
6. Allow your skirt to dry overnight just to be safe, then place it around your tree when you're ready and enjoy!
Have a blessed Christmas!
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